
For Healthcare Providers

Your data can drive groundbreaking innovation in healthcare.
Join our global network of healthcare partners and help us create robust medical datasets for research.

How We Operate
Your institution's medical data is valuable.
Partner with Segmed Today

Segmed enters into revenue share agreements with healthcare providers in exchange for licensing their data.

Finding the right data is a time-consuming and cumbersome process for researchers and Segmed is streamlining access to medical data.

Segmed partners with healthcare providers who have been storing valuable medical data for years.  Segmed will de-identify and structure the data and then make it available to researchers.  Healthcare providers that partner with Segmed ensure their patient population will be represented in new discoveries, while helping advance medical innovations for everyone.

Unlocking The Value of Imaging Data
Revenue-Sharing Model
Security & Privacy
Protecting patient data is our top priority.
Let's Make Better Healthcare

When it comes to patient data and data partnership, we fully embrace the responsibility.

At the core of our philosophy is a simple yet powerful principle: patient privacy and data security always come first. Proudly, we have achieved our SOC 2 Type II attestation and our ISO 27001:2013 certification, alongside maintaining full HIPAA compliance. But don't just take our word for it – explore the detailed measures we take on our Security Page.

Want to explore the topic further? Download our comprehensive white paper on data de-identification and discover how we're redefining data security.

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Trusted by industry leaders
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Unlock the value of your imaging data