Segmed: your long-term data partner


Segmed Team

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Company News

Medical AI is often hailed as the future of medicine and will improve diagnostics, increase quality of patient care, enable further-sighted prediction of diseases, boost affordability of healthcare, and make healthcare available to many more people across the world. These are ambitious and admirable goals, and Segmed wants to enable this reality to improve the lives of millions seeking and requiring medical support.

At the moment, one big impediment that companies must overcome to speed up the process of medical AI algorithm development is the lack of high quality training data sets. Readily available and free data sets are often difficult to use and lack any useful form of annotation which Medical AI companies require. As a result, most companies today spend significant resources and time to source data directly from individual partner hospitals and engage specialists to clean up the data so that it can be used in algorithm development. These relationships are difficult to manage.

Further, Medical AI companies are forced to handle complex processes of data sourcing, data cleansing and data management, preventing them from focusing on the critical task of actual AI algorithm development. This not only slows down the speed of development but also prevents more companies from joining this space to help drive further innovation.

Segmed's vision is to plug this key data gap and empower medical AI by providing easy access to high quality training data sets.

Imagine accessing training data sets can be done as easily and as quickly as it is for anyone to download songs from an iTunes store. This comprehensive, well organized database of high quality data can disrupt current norms by allowing AI companies to quickly access high quality data and feed directly into their algorithms.

Companies can focus on testing and fine tuning their algorithms so that it can be used to improve the overall quality of healthcare.

To achieve this, Segmed’s mission is to provide AI companies access to:

  • A wide variety of training data sourced from partner hospitals around the world across a wide range of patient profiles and clinical modalities
  • Cleaned, high quality data whereby scans have been reviewed and labeled by our panel of accredited specialists 
  • Easy to search database where data sets are organized with clear categorization and indexation
  • Efficient storage of data on a cloud, removing the need for massive investments in hardware
  • A long term data partner where the subscription model allows you to take control of what type of data you want to use whenever you need it

Our initial work with pilot datasets and early collaborators has been extremely promising and we are currently seeking more partners. If you are interested in learning more or partnering with us, please contact us  and we will get back to you as soon as possible.